There are Natural Laws of the universe for how things work.  For example, the Ten Commandments are natural laws that show us how to live properly.  They are also called proper principles and there are proper principles for all areas of life.  This includes Health, Wealth & Perfect Self-Expression.  There are natural laws or proper principles that when followed create success in any area of life.  They actually have a mathematical code or formula behind them.  All forms of life have a mathematical code.  But they are not presented to us in the exact form of an owner’s manual.

They also come in the form of common sense or intuition.  In our hearts and in the still, small voice within, we know what is right or wrong or good or bad for our lives at any moment if we truly look and are present and honest.  We know right away inside when we are following proper principles or violating proper principles – the challenge is that our minds may not want to see the truth because of our belief systems, values, perceptions or preferences.  We can see or experience the truth any moment or we can color it to serve our purposes.  Welcome to the Game of Life revealed.

By using our intuition and common sense and following the natural laws and proper principles of life, we can create and manifest success or failure every moment in every situation.  Now the natural state of the universe is to grow, unfold, expand and prosper.  When we follow proper principles we experience this fullness and enjoy success and can maximize the process.  When we violate proper principles we stop the natural flow of expansion, unfoldment, growth and success and create failure, dis-ease or death.
Either way, it is up to each of us how we want to create our life.

Key Principles

You can have whatever you want as long as you do not violate the rights of others.

Treat others as you would want to be treated-
Also known as The Golden Rule.

Simply stated……be kind to everyone.


🙂 Lee


The Mega Coach



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