Lookitsjesus.jpgWhere’s the strangest place you’ve found Jesus? How about in an ashtray? On a pierogi?
Beliefnet is featuring a new gallery of photos showcasing religious icons on that have miraculously appeared on food, rocks, and other benign stuff, from Jesus on grilled cheese to Mother Teresa on a cinnamon bun.
The images are taken from the book “Look! It’s Jesus: Amazing Holy Sightings In Everyday Life” by Harry and Sandra Choron, a collection of photos and stories of these sacred sightings from around the world.

My first thought was that maybe the Lenten season wasn’t a great time to showcasing Jesus-shaped Cheetos. But may be a little sensitive to this kind of stuff. (I know, this coming from the blogger with a category called “snark alerts”.) It may be because I’ve been watching the Christian culture turn the Christ into a product for decades and it’s getting old. There’s a fine line between mocking God and mocking Christianity, and the line is getting more and more blurred.
Then again, some of the pictures and stories are kind of interesting. The Mary and Jesus stone is actually very cool. (But I find it hard to believe that occurred naturally. It looks like that sculpture clay baked onto a rock.) The pretzel is just cool; I don’t necessarily see a religious symbol but it would have been a pretty surprise to find while snacking.
On the weird side, someone actually saved an image of Jesus on grilled cheese for nine years and then sold it to a casino for $28,000?
But you decide. Head over to the “Look! It’s Jesus!” gallery and tell me what you think. Funny? Irreverent?
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