Santa monica parkingOne day, I noticed these signs on a street in a quiet residential neighborhood where, most days, little traffic flows. I couldnt’ resist taking a picture – such a complicated set of do’s and don’t’s when, I’d imagine, simplicity would suffice.

Beyond the obvious humor, however, I thought about how we often find it hard to read the signs that mark moments or decisions in our own lives. For example, if you have been recently diagnosed with an illness, you might find that lots of people have lots of ideas about what you should do next. And, you might wonder, “Which way do I go?”

Or, perhaps you face a major decision about work, a relationship, or even where you might live. And, you’ll lay awake at night wondering, “Which way should I go?”

Finding, or, rather, recognizing, God’s path for our lives can be equally confusing, especially if we cannot get out of our own way. With all of my recent difficult times that involved my own health, people close to me dying, and an auto accident, I did find myself wondering, “What do these things mean in the ‘big picture’ of my life?” and also wondering about other “signs” that God sends.

As I mulled over these things while driving by in my car, another thought popped into my head. I’d paused and gotten out of my car to take this picture. But, I realized, as I drove by the signs, even at a slow pace, it was difficult for me to read everything posted. It was only when I stopped, stood, and took enough time that I was able to understand it all.

So, too, with those of us striving to read the signs in our own lives. We can’t really ‘get the message’ if we’re on the go all the time, not listening, not even dreaming!

If it’s hard to read your signs, try pausing. Pray. And let God’s message and purpose unfold for you.

Blessings for the day,


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