the latest news on evangelicals and Darfur, Iraq, election politics, the environment, Iran, and Japan’s nuclear intentions

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Evangelicals and Darfur. Evangelicals Broaden Moral Agenda –“Yesterday, two dozen prominent evangelicals issued a joint appeal for President Bush to take the lead in sending a multinational, U.N.-backed peacekeeping force into the Darfur region of Sudan.” Evangelicals lobby Bush on Sudan crisis – “Liberal and conservative evangelicals set aside their political differences Wednesday to urge that President Bush do more to end the humanitarian crisis in the Darfur region of Sudan.” Evangelicals urge Darfur action – “Twenty-four liberal and conservative evangelical leaders representing at least 50 million Americans called on President Bush yesterday to “stop the genocide” in Darfur, saying he is the only world leader in a position to do so.”

Iraq. One-Day Iraq Toll Is Highest for U.S. In Many Months – “A roadside bombing and other attacks killed 10 American troops across Iraq on Tuesday, the U.S. military reported Wednesday, making it the deadliest day of combat for U.S. forces in 10 months.” Bush says Tet comparison may be valid – “President Bush said Wednesday that it was possible that the surge in violence in Iraq was comparable to the Vietnam War’s Tet offensive, which is considered a turning point in that conflict.” ‘Dramatic change of direction’ coming for Iraq – “The escalating violence raking Baghdad and other Iraqi cities is pushing that nation’s leaders, neighboring Arab countries and U.S. advisers to consider a dramatic change of direction in the conduct of the war. … The options cited most frequently in Washington include the partition of Iraq into three ethnic- or faith-based regions, and a phased withdrawal of U.S. troops, … Another scenario is being discussed — and taken seriously in Iraq — by many of Iraq’s leading political players, under which the U.S.-trained army would overthrow struggling Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and replace him with a strongman who would restore order while Washington looks the other way.”

Politics. Moderates in Kansas Decide They’re Not in GOP Anymore – “In a state that voted nearly 2 to 1 for President Bush in 2004, nine former Republicans will be on the November ballot as Democrats. Among them is Mark Parkinson, a former chairman of the Kansas Republican Party, who changed parties to run for lieutenant governor.” Conservative voters likely to stay home – “The Republican Party can stave off defeat with a strong turnout on Nov. 7, party leaders are telling the faithful — but they are finding it tough to sell that message to some disillusioned conservative voters.” Tables Turned for the G.O.P. Over Iraq IssueWith three weeks until Election Day, Republican candidates are barely mentioning Iraq on the campaign trail and in their television advertisements.”

The Environment. Evangelicals ally with Democrats on the environment – “Democratic strategists are joining forces with conservative evangelicals to promote a faith-based campaign on global warming, in an improbable alliance that could boost Democratic hopes of taking control of Congress. Religious leaders hope the campaign sends a message to the GOP.”

Iran. Iran warns UN sanctions for nuclear program would end chance for compromise – “Iran warned yesterday that a likely UN Security Council resolution imposing sanctions against Tehran would wreck any possibility for a compromise to resolve the standoff over the country’s disputed nuclear program.”

Japan. Japan Assures Rice That It Has No Nuclear IntentionsJapan assured Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday that it had no intention of pursuing a nuclear weapons program, despite’s North Korea’s detonation of a nuclear device and suggestions by some political leaders here that the Japanese should discuss whether the nation should acquire nuclear arms.”

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