Friends, over at Theofantastique is a CFP for a proposed volume on Joss Whedon & theology: CALL FOR PAPERS Joss Whedon and Theology The works of Joss Whedon — from his hit television shows Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly, to his popular comic book writing on Fray and X-Men, to his upcoming and…

The news is filled today with reports that Lowe’s and other major corporations have pulled advertising from the new TLC series All-American Muslim, caving to the demands of the right-wing Florida Family Association. The FFA says it is concerned that the show is: . . . propaganda clearly designed to counter legitimate and present-day concerns…

Today was my first monthly blogging gig over at Emergent Village’s new multiblogger site on Patheos. I’m grateful to be asked to join, because as I mention in this first post (which is admittedly a weird calling card with which to announce myself) it is depressingly unusual these days for evangelicals to invite Mormons to…

This is our second week of Advent Wednesday devotions from Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s God is in the Manger: Reflections on Advent and Christmas.  Today’s theme is how God makes himself meek and lowly in order to be with us. Why can’t I follow his example? Why is humility so hard? –JKR  Advent Week 2 God travels…

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