Appreciate the amazing magnificence of all that you are and all you were put here on the planet to do. You are not trying to be any one else, you are living your life as an expression of love for who and what you were put on the planet to do.  This breath represents the…

Surrender is the wisdom of the faithful open heart to realize miracles.  It is one of the biggest powers we have to manifest grace into and through our life with so much love.  My Mom always says, ‘Melanie, come on now.’ When I give her the famous lines ‘All we can do is pray.’    Almost all…

Sometimes you have to shift up your game plan and invite in new possibilities. This principle of openness can be applied to everything in your life.  It is the discipline of patience for what is.  I have invited this process as the way I move forward on birthing projects. Love, grace and words spoken from Melanie…

Advice is sometimes not worth the letters that hold it together.  It is often requested and often ignored.  All of us have our own perfectly perfect inner guidance planner/system.  We are always getting the answers that are designed for our highest good and the good of all.   You have the answer for your souls…

Today and everyday is a day to let our souls speak their mission and stretch into the future and develop a practice of vision. Expand yourself no matter what your circumstance and remember as Rilke wrote to live the question. WHY AM I HERE? Beyond the glitz and glamour and the who is wearing what…

In the preface to Emanuel Swedenborg’s Divine Love and Wisdom the Latin Translator of the text talks about the sketch of a Roman Garden that adorned the title page of each of Swedenborg’s books under the phrase Cura Et Labore “with care and work.” The image of a beautiful garden with a cherub like Angel watering…

1)  Sometimes there is nothing to do but be loving.    2) Things that I thought took so much time to unfold, really took no time at all upon their completion.  The experience was everything.   3) Mistakes mean nothing in the course of a life well lived, where the foolishness of love are the adventures…

Lesson 255 in the ACIM goes hand in hand with one of Gandhi’s principles ‘if we want to contribute to peace we have to do more. We have to become more peaceful’ the end is inherent in the means- Direct and simple. Peace needs peaceful hearts Peace needs funding Peace needs activism Peace needs a…

The powerful belief in a divine, loving presence that binds all life creating a luminosity of experience that transcends the surface realities is the cornerstone of humanity. It is the cornerstone of the discipline of Love necessary to carry you past the fear of your days. We exist in this moment full and complete extending…

“Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.” -Unknown Today is an easy one. Let love flow establishing a frequency to surrender removing any blocks to the awareness of love’s fullest presence. Let what naturally wants to be expressed have its day in the sun.…

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