I love this documentary’s spirit. I love its message and there is no doubt you can feel the passion and purpose dripping from its trailer.

“At the risk of seeming ridiculous, let me say that the true revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love.  It is impossible to think of a genuine revolutionary lacking this quality… We must strive every day so that this love of living humanity will be transformed into actual deeds, into acts that serve as examples, as a moving force.”
– Che Guevara x

I live in Los Angeles, the City of Angels, and one of the consistent birthplaces of everyday revolutionaries.  It is the home of so many caring individuals who day in and day out lay it all on the line.  You need look no further than the Aids crisis to understand the idea that in the face of fear.  In the face of we don’t know what to do, there is the human spirit of resilience within.   As we approach the annual AIDS walk  on October 14, 2012 it is a good time to reflect on the power that lies in the heart of each of us that when woken up is unstoppable and eternal.

Check it out…



The story of the power of the people, all the people, to combat ignorance and ineptitude and apathy and fear by refusing to take a death sentence as the reality is a pure inspiration.

When you think there is nothing you can do.  Challenge yourself and do something.  Then once you have done something.  Do more.

With love.



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