Everyday Spirituality

Is “awareness” or a “connection to the Divine” dependent on the human mind or brain? Or, is a connection to the Divine dependent on consciousness? Because I don’t have what you call a human mind but I certainly am conscious of the Divine. That is why I love you. Zen Kitty “Put an end to…

Success in spiritual healing is warranted only as we find and follow our own pace. Whether a pro or a rookie, here are six pitfalls to avoid when practicing spiritual healing. Gunning the start. Running headstrong, for example into an intense episode of prayer, will become tiresome quickly. Spiritual healing is a job, not a…

Until recently, it has been believed in mainstream neuroscience, that plasticity in the brain is present only in children. The younger years are considered critical in brain development because once we become an adult, the brain wiring is permanent, localized. Therefore, parts of the brain have been mapped. Localizationist, Torsten Wiesel, won the Nobel Prize…

My ears were being assaulted by profanity voiced somewhere in the house. I went to investigate the uncommon occurrence and discovered the profanity was coming from the TV. A show called “Bulls**t”, hosted by Penn & Teller, was on. Penn & Teller’s show is devoted to aggressively shooting down fuzzy thinking or the blind following…

I got home late after working with a moody person, and so ate a quick cold dinner. I did warm up some tea in the microwave but got the tea too hot so burned my tongue. Ugh. I put a load of dirty laundry in the machine, trying to make a dent in the laundry…

My husband wrote a song in which he sings a verse that intrigues me. The verse says, “You become the expression of the power you trust.” I ask myself, “Who, or what, power do I trust?” Money, my job, my physical senses, electricity, anger, revenge, peers, seclusion, sleep, a set of rules, dieting, a lifestyle,…

The word “creed,” or credere seems derived from cor dare — to give one’ s heart. The Christian Science textbook, Science and Health offers, not a list a beliefs but a list of 6 tenets that can help to carefully cultivate an attitude of commitment. The 6th tenet is: “And we solemnly promise to be…

Religious ideology can become blurry as time and change warp human perceptions, therefore reexamination of religious doctrine can be beneficial. This blog is a continuation of a review of the tenets of Christian Science as presented in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Tenet #5 reads: We acknowledge that the crucifixion of Jesus…

Time has a way of distorting that which is not tended to properly, even in religions, therefore I am taking a bit of time to reexamine the tenets of Christian Science, calculated as rules of guidance instead of dogmatic regulations. The fourth tenet states: “We acknowledge Jesus’ atonement as the evidence of divine healing Love,…

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