November 5, Election Day, is around the corner. Most people I talk to know the value of voting and will vote. Interestingly, as a freelance writer, I interview candidates, some of whom I’ve interviewed in the last election. And, I’ve noticed their platforms have changed. Change is happening all the time. We don’t want to…

Although it happened 40 years ago, I remember as if it happened last month. Walking down the school bus isle, I stopped for a second to turn around and punch the guy behind me. He doubled over and gasped for breath. It all happened so fast, I not only stunned myself, but also shocked my…

Let me be blunt: revisions of religious texts, whether verbally or in print, are postmodern heresies. To which I say—Okay. First off, languages and circumstances change. The lifestyle of today is not the lifestyle of yesterday. When attempting to apply religious texts in everyday life, those texts need to be adjusted to present day reality.…

Reading through Exodus 21, I come across laws about slaves—an illegal venture today. And, rightly so. I don’t think the Bible is outdated because I don’t believe the Bible is meant to be followed literally. Its historical content shows how human beings have evolved under the concept of a higher power, God. We read in…

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