Click here to preview, and buy, a discussion on what steps to take next in life.


Spiritual power is not used to control or ignore the fleshly sensations but to become aware of Spirit, of honesty, connectedness, humility, joy, grace, wellbeing, wisdom, peace, and integrity. Honing our spiritual power takes time, experience, and comprehension. We can take care of our bodies while yet learning what divine Science reveals.

Every day makes its demands upon us for higher proofs rather than professions of Christian power.Christianity is not false, but religions which contradict its Principle are false. Ritualism and creed suffocate spirituality. To trust material conservatism is to distrust Spirit. To trust Spirit is to bless the human family. Crumbs of comfort come from singing, preaching, and practicing an inspiration of wisdom, Truth, or Love.In the sacred sanctuary of Truth we hear solemn important voices. Footsteps of Truth follow the law of progress. It can be a slow process to reach perfection, so getting started now is better.

Click here to preview, and buy, a discussion on steps to take in life.

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