Leadership Challenge, written by Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner, is above-average in thoroughness. The book gives a detailed description of what an effective manager is and how to acclimate one’s self to leading into a promising future.

Not everyone is going to be a leader as far as the world’s definition of a leader is concerned. But, we all are leading whether we know it or not. Even as followers, we can be stellar followers and actually be leading others to follow profitably also. Just as lousy followers lead others to follow lousily.

Leaders and followers can’t be filled with suspicion, a reluctance to risk, and a superiority complex. Leadership Challenge points out that equality and respect and forward movement must be across the board.

Useful leaders are the model of innovation and inclusiveness. Useful followers are the model of support and trust.

Useless leaders are the model of stagnation and isolation. Useless followers are the model of distraction and complaint.

Leadership Challenge asks the reader to “suspend their judgment,” long enough to think, re-evaluate, and learn how to meet the needs of the customer or world better.

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