“Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.” – Margaret Mead

The world is hurting, again.

Yesterday was exceptionally busy – even for a Monday. When the workday finally came to a close, I jumped into my car looking forward to a peaceful night at home. But before leaving the office parking lot, I heard the news.

Another shooting.

This time in Washington D.C.

This time 13 dead.

This time all over, again.

Listening to the news was another reminder that we aren’t safe anywhere – not where we watch a movie; not where we send our children to school and not where we work.

The world is hurting, again.

We can choose to add to the pain; we can choose to ignore it; or we can chose to do something about.

I choose to do something about it. I won’t be held hostage by fear.

I choose to be good for the world. And through my words and actions, I will show everyone who crosses my path that the world can be a place of peace.

If you want to walk the same path with me, here are a few things we can do together to be good for the world.

And if we do, maybe a little of the pain can be replaced with love.

– Show kindness.
– When someone asks for your love – give it.
– Talk less and listen more.
– Practice the art of patience every day.
– Accept everyone for who they are; reject no one for who they are.
– Leave an unexpected note of love, encouragement or appreciation.
– Say, “thank you.”
– When someone needs you, give your attention right away; don’t wait.
– Honor boundaries and expect your boundaries to be honored, too.
– Help your neighbors through their weeds.
– Let your partner know you believe in her.
– Let your partner know you respect him.
– Don’t use your words as a weapon.
– Show your children how to smile, relax and enjoy life.
– Never do anything you wouldn’t want your partner to know.
– Keep your word.
– Be fully present when in the presence of others.
– Share your wisdom when asked.
– Create a safe place for your family to live.
– Let go of grudges and live with a forgiving heart.
– Show respect to everyone you encounter.
– Give your shoulder for someone to grasp so they can take a leap of faith.
– Find ways to serve every day.
– Love your neighbor as you love yourself.
– Let your corner of the world see the goodness in you.

About Alex Blackwell

Alex Blackwell is a father, husband and writer. He writes about inspiring things at The BridgeMaker.
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