Paddy and I thought we’d toss in our two cents on the whole civility debate. After all, we’d hardly be an “Everyday Ethics” blog if we didn’t have an opinion on everyday cultural behavior trends. So here goes. Hillary: The country’s buzzing with the news. The blogosphere is awash with disapproval. We’re all aghast: People…

It does if Terry Moran (Moron?) tweets it. So, the civility debate rages (ironically) on. And as everyone’s buzzing, the president’s now caught up in it, having remarked off the record in a CNBC interview that he thought Kanye West was a jackass after Kanye’s Taylor Swift-boating stunt at the VMAs. ABC reporter Terry Moran tweeted…

Whether you’re for it or against it, odds are, you feel passionately about health care reform. But how many of us have even made the attempt to dive into the 1,000-odd page health care reform bill H.R. 3200 “America’s Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009”? I can tell you I made it as far as…

I just have to say, completely unrelated to ethics or dilemmas, thank you Virgin America, for in-flight internet. I love multi-tasking a 5-hour journey and work! (I’m completely serious). Now, on to more interesting things. Talk about an ethical fail – this Georgia man was arrested on Monday for disciplining a crying toddler with a…

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