I’ve been following CNN.com’s “Killings At The Canal: The Army Tapes,” an investigation into the circumstances leading up to, and following, the premeditated murder of four Iraqis in 2007. I suppose I’ve been waiting for my lightbulb moment when I would understand how so many people believe these soldier’s actions were defensible — I have…

Goshdarnnit, Hillary…your oblications and holiday survival tips post puts me in the position of bad angel. Nonetheless, I gladly pick up the horns and pitchfork to make my personal pitch for skipping oblications for…self-gratification vacations?  A few years ago I had the questionable pleasure of having some very distant relatives visit for Thanksgiving. At first I…

NBC is starting its 3rd annual Green Week this Sunday to promote, you guessed it, greener lifestyles via green-themed content throughout their programming. Kudos to NBC for its efforts, but I tend to agree with this blogger on Chicago Now — Green Week seems a bit half-hearted when you consider how relatively simple it would…

Apparently, 3 of our favorite GG characters both know exactly what a threesome is and will be taking part in one this Monday. Time for sweeps week, people, and making money the old-fashioned way -- the promotion of promiscous teens!

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