I was just on my way out the door, rushed for time as usual, when the phone rang. Caller ID said, “000-000-0000.” I had a pretty good idea who it’d be (in a general sense) but I was expecting a call from an out-of-town business associate that day, so I couldn’t afford not to answer.…

I’ve coveted the Kindle since Amazon first came out with them. My apartment is overflowing with books, and I’m forced to carry an ENORMOUS purse to and fro because I refuse to leave the house without a book. I literally don’t want to spend a second in a waiting room or on line for a movie…

Hi all. A quick shout out here from Hillary land. I just started a short temp assignment on top of my other gigs, and while I was drumming my fingernails waiting to get set up with the internet so I could accomplish my assigned tasks, I couldn’t help wondering, “Hmmm, would it be ethical for…

Hillary and I were catching up yesterday and found ourselves chatting about the recent Burger King ad controversy. We yammered on in complete agreement for a few minutes before realizing we were referring to completely different ads, both in what we considered to be bad taste. Whoops. After we enlightened each other, we decided to…

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