I am delighted that President Obama signed the new school lunch bill, the “Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act.”

The new law calls for increased aid to school lunch programs, the first in many years. It makes free lunches available to more kids. Most importantly, it’s a bill that makes schools focus on and serve more nutritious foods.

It’s about time! Our schools have become feeding grounds for greedy corporations who care nothing about the next generation’s health. We’ve allowed junk foods into our schools; vending machines full of sugar-laden poisons, and lunch programs with lousy, fatty, sugary garbage.

Sure, there are complaints about this new act. Sarah Palin has spoken loudly against it. That’s ridiculous. Se charges that the government should not be involved in school nutrition. But who else will work to stop mega corporations from feeding our children unhealthy food? Yes, parents should but most of us have also been jaded and trained to eat healthfully, too!

Some groups have complained that subsidies and food-stamps may suffer,due to the new act. It’s just a shift in focus, as I see it.

I applaud President Obama, and especially his wife, Michelle, for taking action.

To read more about this new act, see the article in Education week. http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2010/12/13/15nutrition.h30.html?tkn=SYNFoCB2TbN%2Bp0ms1yJbeRO5uPwW4gZcogHw&cmp=clp-edweek

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