Yea!  Congratulations, you have come to Day 7, the end of the first week on the “Give-Back Diet: Lose Weight and Help Others” program.  Let’s use this day to rest, contemplate what we have learned, and get motivated to keep it going.

If you’re just starting the program, no problem, welcome!  Begin here, today.    Take a look in  “The Give-Back Diet” section, scroll down, and take a few minutes to read what we’ve been working on.  Take a few more minutes to start a journal, and begin recording some important information about yourself: what you’re eating, doing, feelings, and ways you can make simple changes and save yourself.  Say a prayer to God, thanking Him, and also asking for help.

If you’ve been doing the “Give-Back Diet,” but have made some mistakes and slips, congratulations.  You’re certainly not alone.  We learn from mistakes, don’t worry, just keep with it and gently make at least one change for the better today.   Say a prayer or do a meditation asking God, or your Higher Power to show you the way and give you the power.

Today’s Action Plan:

  • Today, take a look at your journal and keep spotting patterns.  Make connections between times of day and eating certain types of foods. (Examples: late afternoon snacking, late-night binges.  Feeling tired and eating carbohydrates for energy. Feeling happy and having extra donuts or second-helpings.)  Keep the logging going.  Remember, a big part of your success is becoming mindful, and connecting your thoughts with your body; ideas into action.  (Note several folks have commented that they have done this, and see some patterns.  Go back to previous days and take a look.)
  • Keep making smart choices, like substituting a fruit or vegetable for a snack instead of high-sugar candy or baked goods.  If you like, have some cut vegetables with 1 or 2 tablespoons of humus spread.  That will give you some protein and fiber – a great combination for lasting energy and satisfaction.  It takes away hunger pangs, too.
  • I hope you’re on the way to eliminating sugar.  If you’re not quite there yet, do your best to skip a regular, habitual sugary item from your day.  It might be for breakfast: instead of pancakes, have oatmeal with fruit.  Instead of a late-night cake binge, have a fruit cup.  Rather than high-fat ice-cream, have some low-fat or no-fat yogurt with raisins or cut-up dried fruit.
  • If you like, weigh yourself first thing, before breakfast.  Make a note of it in your journal or food log.  If you’ve not lost any weight, that’s OK, you’re making good changes that will eventually add up.  If you have lost some pounds, that’s good too.  Note: If you have lost more than 3 pounds, you may not be eating enough, and need to consult with your doctor or healthcare provider.  If you’ve gained, go over the program again, and ask God for help making one change — just eat a little less with every meal.
  • Write a comment below and tell us about your week.  List your accomplishments, ask God for help, and also any mistakes and challenges.  Trial and error is how we learn, so try and let it be OK to make mistakes!  Be yourself, don’t be afraid, you’re in a community of people who all need each other’s help.  “Give back” to those in need.  Share the wisdom that God has given you with others!
  • I see some of you reply to postings. I think that’s great.  I encourage you to do that a lot, and actually make a “buddy” or several.  You may also have a friend or co-worker you might like to do this program with.  Don’t be afraid to reach-out and ask.  This is the perfect way to “give-back,” by doing the program with a friend, and helping each other.

Be sure to come back tomorrow for more ideas, and the start of a whole new week, and a whole, new you.

If this is the first time reading about the Give-Back Diet, don’t worry. You can start today.
Also, if you weighed yourself and are concerned about it — post a comment — and contact me directly in the link below.


I would be happy for you to join our weekly class, or to work with you individually.  Get your problems on the table, find some ideas and answers, feel the joy of releasing the problem.  Classes are almost closed — please register now — just click here.

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