I walked into a bookstore the other day, and given that it’s New Year’s Resolution time – there was a table with (no kidding) at least 50 new diet books.  Most of them deprivation plans, one way or another.  They are frankly a bit scary, because I know many people are going to be disappointed and fail with those approaches.

There’s one that stood out:  “Your Whole Life: the 3D Plan for Eating Right, Living Well, Loving God,” recently published by Paraclete Press, a publisher that is Christian oriented that has a great list of very fine books.

I like this one.  Written by Carole Showalter, a committed Christian who created her “3D” plan some 35 years ago, along with a registered dietician, Maggie Davis.  It’s all about the whole person (thus the title), in a 12-week program that has food suggestions based on the USDA Food Guide Pyramid, exercise plans, Christian and Biblical quotations, and lots of tips.

There is a strong emphasis on dedication and discipline. Yes, this is a spiritual approach, but Showalter is a firm believer in hard work and diligence.  That’s what it takes, I have found, although I approach it in a different way.

This is a rare approach to making changes: losing weight, getting healthy, enjoying life, and putting spiritual beliefs into action.  I feel a kinship with this book, and I’m glad it has been published.

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