Sounds great, huh?  Rush Limbaugh recommends it; he experienced some quick weight loss himself, 90 pounds in less than 6 months.

Limbaugh’s weight loss success he attributes to Florida’s Quick Weight Loss Centers.  According to Limbaugh, their programs combine low-calorie dieting, office consultations with advisors and physicians, “appetite suppressants, carb-blockers” and supplements.  They claim you can eat “normal food from supermarkets.”

While I haven’t reviewed or analyzed the specifics of their program, based upon what has been released publicly through Limbaugh and the Quick Weight Loss Center website, it sounds like a basically good program.  That’s because it offers medical counseling, nutritional education, ease and balanced foods, and very important: one-on-one support.  Not sure about exercise, recreation, or emotional support.  It doesn’t mention those vital aspects.  I am nervous about the safety and effectiveness of “appetite suppressants, and carb-blockers,” honestly.

If you’re a regular reader (which I hope you are!) you know that I am quite skeptical about weight loss fads and gimmicks.  I generally don’t like supplements, or special “diet foods,” or “diets” in general.  They often work to lose weight in the long-run, but their abilities to assist in maintaining weight loss over long periods of time are often not so effective.  I’m a little concerned about all the “bars” they sell – they look expensive, and I wonder what the actual ingredients are.  I cannot comment about Quick Weight Loss Center’s success rate at maintenance.  Limbaugh’s is certainly too recent to know.

I’m glad he lost weight, and helped his health.  I say if you put your beliefs in the power of a weight loss counselor, and supplements, and they work – as long as they’re not harmful – OK.  But the main point is keeping the weight off.  That I know from a lot of experience requires personal effort and digging deeper into the reasons why one’s weight and health have become problematic.  To me, lasting results are about body, metabolism, habits, routines, emotions, and getting one’s human and spiritual needs met.

I won’t comment on Rush Limbaugh’s recent attacks on those who want to change the entire American health-care system!  I’m just glad he changed his own health-care system, and hopefully he’s no longer addicted to pain killers, either.

What do you think about Quick Weight Loss Center?  Or quick weight loss in general?  Or supplements and diets?  PLEASE comment!

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