Here’s a quick tip to eat less, save calories and save money.  Use meat just for flavoring.

Many cultures and cuisines feature meat in very small quantities.  This is particularly true of Asian foods.  Consisting of mostly vegetables and a little starch, many Chinese, Japanese and Thai recipes call for only a few tablespoons of meat.

Don’t confuse American versions of Asian dishes with what is authentic!  The American versions are often loaded-up with fat, because we’re used to it, and associate fat with flavor.  Nothing could be further from the truth!

Try a new variation tonight:  make an Asian stir fry of your favorite vegetables using only one bouillon cube (fish, beef or chicken, and try the low sodium variety).  Or use just one piece of meat, added at the end of cooking, such as one small chicken thigh.  Then cut up the meat, remove the bones, and add it back to the vegetables.

You will see that there is lots of flavor and very low fat, thus low calories if you do this!

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