Sara is only 12. Selfie posting on social media is a daily event. Her parents wonder why she takes so many pictures of herself? Is this an indicator of narcism? Should they be concerned? These parents aren’t alone. Most of us wonder, what is the connection between selfies and narcissism? Researchers are trying to sort it out since selfies are here to…

If you ask, one out of three teens say they feel psychologically distressed. And the number of teens who report signs of depression and anxiety that reach a clinical level has increased in the past few years. So is anything new or different that seems to be creating additional angst in the teen years? Yes, we have…

TWEET: You didn’t follow through on your promise today#madatyouagain TWEET: How about the way you responded #outofcontrol TWEET: No way. Call me @JohnSmith. I’m over Tim! TWEET: #overreacting. #outofcontrol and trying to blame me. I guess I eat out tonight! TWEET: Seriously, no dinner with me is right! Checking my options @JohnSmith What would be…

You log on to Facebook, check the status of your  500 plus “friends” and post a few comments. You notice that several of your friends are feeling down this post holiday season and are talking about feeling lonely and depressed. After reading their posts, you feel down too. What just happened? Can negative and positive…

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