Doing Life Together

Take the family quiz to evaluate how well you are doing when it comes to raising nonviolent kids. Given all the violence in the news, are there things you do to raise children who are peaceful, loving and kind? Take a moment and evaluate how well your family is doing in several significant areas: 1) Is…

When you think you’ve heard it all, you know you haven’t! Here is an App I never saw coming. It uses Bump Technology. If you’ve never heard of what it means to “bump” your smart phone, let me explain. Bump is an app for Apple iOS and Google Android operating systems. The technology allows two…

As a weight loss expert, I know that so much of losing weight is won in the mind. And the easiest thing to do the day after Christmas is to give in to overeating. Many of us think, “Oh well, I might as well give up until I can hit the gym in January.” Don’t…

Wishing all my readers a very Merry Christmas.  Christ is Born!

Christmas is not an easy time when a loved one is nearing death. I know this first hand, as I had to say goodbye to my mom two years ago. Mom knew the Lord and was not afraid to die. But is it never easy to say goodbye to a parent? Even when you know…

More children are now being born outside of marriage, according to a new study by the National Marriage Project and the Institute for American Values. Click on the photo to watch this short interview to learn how this impacts children.

There is no place like home for the holidays unless it is filled with family members who seem to have nothing better to do then criticize or complain. So to maintain a little peace on earth, think about how you want to respond to the family digs. Here are a few examples: 1) Does Rachel…

Today is the anniversary of my mother’s death. It has been two years and I miss her! And today, families are burying their loved ones in Connecticut. Grief can overwhelm but we can get through it. Grief is a normal reaction to loss and trauma. Check how you are doing. Although we tend to believe…

This morning I spoke to CBN news about reassuring your children as they return to school after the horrific shootings. Watch this short interview for tips on what to do, how to identify kids at risk and the importance of forgiveness. Click on the picture to go to the link:

I’m sure we all feel somewhat traumatized and emotionally exhausted from the events that took place on December 14, 2012 at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown Connecticut. Our hearts go out to parents and loved ones who will begin to bury their children and friends due to those unthinkable events. Most of us are…

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