Doing Life Together

Getting along in a relationship takes work. Some of the things we say, make things worse. Here are a few phrases that will probably bring more tension.  I was inspired by Gina Barreca’s recent blog to put a relationship twist on common phrases we use, but maybe we shouldn’t. I would try to avoid these…

Mary came to me for therapy. She weighed 305 and was told multiple times that her current weight was putting her at risk for serious medical issues. She was 28-years-old and the mother of a 5-year-old. She admitted that keeping up with her young son was becoming a problem. Desperate, she started taking laxatives, vomiting…

The headline in USA Today asks if hypersexuality is the new normal in Hollywood. Miley Cyrus and the class of 2013 have decided to answer that question with a big YES. To make it big, you become raunchy and show all. We used to call this soft porn. Now being raunchy is touted as the…

Oreos have been around since I was a child. Like me, do you split the cookie and eat the center first? Harmless right? Maybe not! What if you gave a mouse a cookie? Could that cookie be addictive? Now, I’m not suggesting you find a 12-step program to deal with your impulse purchase of Oreos,…

Grace was really tired and knew her husband would approach her in bed. She just wasn’t in the mood, but thought she should probably have sex and get it over with–not the best motivation to be intimate. At least, she was honest with herself. But admitting that to her husband would just raise issues, so…

Relationships are such an important part of our lives. How do you measure up in your partner relationship? Check your emotional intelligence here: Answer YES OR NO to each question. 1) When your partner does something that bothers you, do you think, “There must be a good reason for this. I am sure we can…

This morning, I am on my way to the beautiful Mackinac Island to speak at a women’s conference all week. The air is brisk with smells of Fall. The leaves are turning stunning colors and the heat of summer seems far away. It’s all so breathtaking and such a reminder of God’s creativity. I smile,…

Ann was on an eating binge. Oh it wasn’t because she was a compulsive eater or had an eating disorder. It was because her boyfriend, Rob, decided to break it off. Ann was in the midst of grieving, but was not allowing that process to happen. She was medicating with food. The body and mind…

I have a big academic paper  to write. This kind of task, like many we encounter at work, requires sustained energy and focus. But after awhile, we all need a break. So what is the best way to unwind for a few minutes?  Coffee, candy, stretching? 1) Take a nature walk. Researchers at the University…

I was at Costco grabbing a slice of pizza and watched a mom, her older son, middle daughter and younger son get lunch. They looked like they were having a great time. The mom was about to go and get food for everyone and wanted the three kids to sit at the table and wait…

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