Feeling down and blue? Has the gloom of winter gotten you? The sky is cloudy and dark. You feel tired, unable to concentrate, want to eat, crave carbohydrates, and feel like being alone. It’s hard to get out of bed. You feel irritable, anxious and down. It seems like winter will never end. All you…

It’s a know fact that smokers tend to live shorter lives than nonsmokers. In fact, smoking two cigarettes a day can shorten your life by about 22 minutes. Now what if I told you that watching TV could do the same. Couch potatoes, listen up! Researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia found that…

If you need help with compulsive spending, try applying these strategies to help break the cycle: 1) Admit you have a problem. 2) Get rid of your credit cards and pay with cash or check only. Hide one card for emergency uses only. You may want a spouse or trusted friend to keep this card.…

Alec Baldwin embodies the entitlement mentality we see so prominently displayed among celebrities and others these days. His latest incident of being escorted off an American Airline flight for refusing to turn off his cell phone when asked, is another example of celebrity bad behavior that gets a media pass. His apology, posted on the…

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