The 2007 Weblog Awards

There are still a couple days left to vote! If you click on the logo above, you can add your vote to the Weblog Awards — and maybe give the ol’ Deacon’s Bench a boost. Operators are standing by to tally your vote. If I win, I promise to mention you at the podium. (My wife is already shopping for a dress. Let’s not disappoint her, okay?)

You can also vote directly at this link.

You can vote once every 24 hours — a privilege of the blogosphere which is unheard of with things like the Oscars or the Electoral College. Is this a great system, or what?

And, look at it this way: with a high voter turnout (especially, um, for me), it will spare the blogosphere the drawn-out agony of a Supreme Court recount.

Thank you, and God bless America.

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