That phrase from the psalms leaped to mind when I read about a particularly nimble group of scribes in India.

I’m not sure why anybody attempted this, but some Christians there have set a record for writing the Bible.

The details:

A group of Christians in India set a new world record by writing the Bible in almost in two and a half hours.

The July 7 copying of scriptures, in the presence of neutral observers and church leaders, began at 5:00 p.m. and ended at 7:32 p.m. with a prayer, according to the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of India. The team of Christians from various denominations, who ranged in age from 11 to 77 and included priests, nuns, pastors, brothers and lay people, was led by a local Bhopal lay person Sunil Joseph, who in December 2005 set a record by writing the Bible on his own in 123 days.

“It is a historic movement of brotherhood among the Christians,” said Catholic Archbishop Pascal Topno of Bhopal. “We are one in Christ, our differences are nothing before the strong brotherhood feeling we have among us.”

“This was really a show of unity among the Christians,” said Father Anand Muttungal, spokesperson for Catholic Church who helped coordinate the program.

The event, organizers said, was organized also to mark the importance of the day – 7/7/07. The Christian community considers number seven as the most complete number among all numbers, they said, pointing to the Book of Genesis referring to the seventh day blessed and set apart as a special as the day upon which God had completed creation (Gn 2:3).

My hand hurts just thinking about it.

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