Get Mercury in Virgo Dos and Don'ts at Tarot.comI’ve done a lot of complaining about Virgo in the last week or so, but here’s a Virgo transit I actually like: Communication planet Mercury is moving into Virgo on Friday, August 31 (the same day as the Full Moon in Pisces), and it always helps me think more clearly.

Mercury in Virgo sharpens minds, increases analytical skills and helps everyone stay more focused and organized, which is an especially great thing for a scattered Gemini like me.

Mercury will be in Virgo through September 16, which happily coincides with a very busy time of the year for me as a writer. September is packed with projects and deadlines that might usually stress me out, but with this transit I know I’ll have the mental discipline and focus to get it all done.

The same is true for everyone going back to school, and getting back to business after a playful summer. Merc in Virgo is all about taking in new knowledge and learning new skills, or putting in long hours of work that takes a great deal of precision.

Astrologically speaking, September certainly isn’t going to be as much fun as August, but whatever we’ve go on our plates, we’re gonna get ‘er done!

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