A few folks are upset with me because I labeled as “dimwitted” those Americans who still believe that Barack Obama is a Muslim.
Too bad. They are dimwitted. And, contrary to what some believe, I am not saying that because I support Obama for President. I am saying that because everyone knows that Mr. Obama is a self-professed Christian — and attempts to pretend that he is otherwise in order to create an aura of suspicion around him about his beliefs is, indeed, “dimwitted.” Especially if people believe that the rumor of Obama being a Muslim is true.
Having said that, I received this comment on this blogsite from a reader…

I love all your books and I really wish you would use this blog to go into more detail about them instead of slamming your presidential candidate down the throat of your readers. Personally, I will not vote for Obama. I don’t trust him.
Like any other presidential candidate, he will say anything to get elected. He threw his own grandmother under the bus and then his pastor. After going to his church for over 20 years, why all of a sudden did he extract himself from the church when his pastor’s teachings were made public? I’m no fan of McCain, but if Obama is elected this country is in big trouble.
Perhaps your “dimwitted” readers will make their own decisions about who they want to run this country without your subtle brainwashing.
Posted by: lbj | July 25, 2008 1:58 PM

Hmmm…fascinating. Calling people who believe that Mr. Obama is a Muslim is “subtle”? Wow. i thought I was being rather direct. It is “brainwashing”? Wow. I thought it was mind-opening.
Then again, what do I know….?
I also found this comment from a blog reader fascinating…

People have every right to vote for the candidate of their choice, and I don’t think it was Neale’s intent to put people down for doing that.
I know it has been frustrating for me to receive many warnings from my circle of family and friends about Obama’s allegiance to Muslim traditions, as if he’d side with Bin Laden. As one post said, ‘destroy us from within.’ I have to agree with Neale, it is dimwitted.
Posted by: Deb Reilly | July 25, 2008 2:26 PM

Good for you, Deb, for seeing things clearly.
Now, let’s get this straight. Whether you support Barack Obama or John McCain…Barack Obama is NOT a Muslim. Nor is he going to support the radical agenda of terrorists who call themselves Islamists.
To think otherwise is to be, I will say again, dimwitted. Or…purposefully misleading, which is even worse. I can forgive stupidity. I cannot forgive deliberate deception masquerading as honest politics.

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