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NOTE: Saturday is Prose & Poetry Day here on the blog, a time to take a moment once a week to relax the mind, open the heart, and access the soul through the gift of prose from one of the many books of The New Spirituality, and through the poetry of m. Claire, author of the forthcoming volume, Openings & Deepenings.
This week’s prose…the fifth in a series of excerpts from Happier Than God.

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Life was meant to be happy.
Do you believe that? If you don’t, then life will have no choice but to play itself out according to your non-belief. Don’t be surprised if you are unhappy more of the time than you would wish. Yet if you believe that life was meant to be happy, it will be…
…I am saying here that it is possible that believing your life can be happy most of the time can make it so. Yet that’s old news. We’ve all heard that before.
This material is about what you haven’t heard. It’s about an even larger truth that is behind this truth. A truth so large, so…how shall I put this?…alien to our experience and to everything we have been taught…that, as I have twice already noted, many people cannot believe it even when they see it. When they see this truth come to life right in front of them they attribute it to something else.
There’s an old saying that…

…“seeing is believing,” but let me tell you about Magellan’s Ships.
I learned about this from my dear friend Stephen Simon, who produced and directed Conversations with God: The Movie and Indigo, co-produced What Dreams May Come, and is responsible for many other films you may have heard of, such as Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure

As Stephen explains it, Magellan and his men explored many islands and did so without opposition from the natives living there, who might have been expected to climb into their dugout canoes and launch a full-scale attack on these strange looking sailors as dangerous interlopers, but instead welcomed them with open arms. The reason? When native lookouts first spotted Magellan’s ship, they didn’t know what they were looking at.
They had never seen anything so huge and so majestic carrying people on water before. The gigantic ships, with their enormous masts and sails fully billowed, were so far outside of the experience of these island natives that they had no point of reference from which to even begin to consider what these vessels might be. They anchored their canoes, laid down their spears in awe, and welcomed Magellan and his men as gods.
Stephen told me this is the Magellan’s Ship Syndrome—a phenomenon that occurs when what one is looking at is so far from one’s experience, that person literally doesn’t know what to make of it.
Well, the Unspoken Truth I have been referring to here is so far removed from anything that most of us have ever been taught or told that even when it plays its effect in our lives, producing a direct manifestation right in front of our face, we literally don’t know what we’re looking at.
We’ll see one thing and call it another.
We’ll see the outfall of the Unspoken Truth and call it the product of coincidence or serendipity or accident or chance…or just plain dumb luck
In fact, there will have been nothing “dumb” about it, but just the opposite: the workings of the highest intelligence in the universe.
The exciting journey of the mind that follows may very well be the most important exploration you will take in your life. That is why you brought yourself here…
…Everything here you already know. You just don’t know that you know it. Or maybe you do, and you’re just having a hard time remembering it. Or maybe you even remember it, but are having a hard time applying it.
If you see yourself in any of those categories, you are going to benefit enormously from the clarity that you are going to bring yourself here—having used the Mechanism of Manifestation to tell yourself about the Mechanism of Manifestation.
That mechanism is what we are going to be exploring. In my own vocabulary I call this the power behind Personal Creation. It has to do with how things come about. It has to do with how reality becomes reality.
Now I’ve already said, just a bit earlier, what some of you may already be thinking: “Oh, that stuff. Yeah, I’ve heard all that before. Didn’t they just make a movie about that?”
They sure did. But they didn’t mention the Unspoken Truth hardly at all. As it always does in discussions about manifestation and creation, this truth behind the truth darned near got lost, because it went largely unspoken. Who wants to be marginalized as a blasphemer?
But it’s time that we spoke of this hidden truth. I mean all of us, not just some of us; all of the spiritual authors and teachers and speakers and messengers who would seek to address the question of How Life Works.
It’s one thing to say that we can all be happy, that we can all experience whatever we choose in life, and that we all have the power to create our own reality, but it’s another thing to tell us why.
We’ve heard a lot about how Personal Creation works, we’ve heard a lot about the way it works, but we’ve hardly heard anything at all about the reason that it works.
This has led to a lot of questions—and one in particular that might just be the most important question of all time…
(This series of excerpts from Happier Than God continues in this space next Saturday. The book is scheduled for release March 1 and may be pre-ordered at www.Amazon.com)
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This week’s gift of poetry
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Let the Histories change, then.
If a Red sea was ever truly parted
then let the same value of a miracle
perform Itself, Here.
Let the Histories change, then.
Every unrequited Love, shall be requited.
Every broken wing, made whole.
A History begins Itself, Now.
And You, are a Maker Of It.
You, are neither brick nor bauble
but a Dreamer of What’s Next.
This World, may not even need
foundation. Or decoration.
Or oceans to manage.
Let’s not even decide on a Name.
But let This History change, Now
all the same.
(This History – m. claire – copyright 2007 – all rights reserved)

For more of the work of this new poetic voice you are invited to www.mclairepoet.com.
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You’ve been exposed to the concepts and principles from the Conversations with God material. Now the time has come to integrate this New Spirituality into our daily lives.
Come to Portland, Oregon, Friday night, February 1 and be the first to experience how to turn these spiritual truths into a functional reality! Join me on this special evening as I speak from my new book, Happier Than God, and engage in a lively dialogue with audience members in a “Q&A” session, followed by a book signing.
That’s this coming Friday evening in Portland, Oregon.
You may pre-register at:

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