The best summer fireworks are provided by fireflies, those bliss-conjuring, blinking beetles that fly (I hope) in the backyards of your neighborhood. I had an intense, spiritual experience communing with fireflies two years ago while on a silent retreat near Pittsfield, Massachusetts. As I was walking up a hill, returning to my hut after dusk,…

“In every soul who seeks to reach the truth, there must, at one time, be present this experience of standing in awe before the universe. Otherwise our thinking will attain merely to what is correct, but never to the truth in its reality… Someone may be the most astute thinker, but if he has never…

The July-August Utne Reader publishes four articles on soy, attacking the hot subject from different angles. Starhawk, aaugh, I don’t want to shake your faith or heavy soy habits, but, really, take another look. None of these articles make me want to eat much more than my trusty bowls of miso. Soy milk manufacturers must…

Lama Surya Das discloses how the world often offers us relationships with closet Bodhisattvas, precious people of tremendous depth and kindness, here. We just have to know how to see them when they’re right in front of us, and appreciate them for all they are. The article is excerpted from LSD’s latest, excellent book “Buddha…

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