I try to make a daily gratitude list. Sometimes I call it a gratitude prayer. Requiring no pen or paper, it’s just a conscious ticking off of the people or things or moments for which I am thankful today. I usually make it in that space between climbing into bed and falling asleep–right after P has said his last goodnight and I am sinking into the mattress with my thoughts.

I know that tonight, nestled among the renewed adoration of my childhood best friend (we’ve been pals since we were 10), this afternoon’s sunny, spring-like weather, and perfectly sautéed Brussels sprouts (cut them in half and toss in a pan with a bit of olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper) will be this opportunity to share my words with the Chattering Mind community. While I’m dishing out the gratitude, I also send many thanks to Amy Cunningham and Beliefnet.

— Guest blogger Marisa Lowenstein

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