Photo: Today's mantra for you...

I imagine you have heard someone utter these words or likely even said them yourself:  “Today just isn’t my day.” Whenever those sounds would pass through my ears, my immediate thought (and I have said this to people) was “Well, I would really like to know whose day it is and what have they done with yours?” Reactions have ranged from bewilderment to laughter and “Oh, you got me,”  looks on their faces.

Oftentimes, people are caught up in a belief system that tells them that things need to be a certain way to be acceptable. The litany in their heads might sound like this: “The sun needs to be shining, folks need to do what I want them to do, traffic needs to be flowing, the perfect parking spot needs to be waiting for me wherever I go, the check that was supposed to be in the mail must arrive, I have to be entertained so I’m not bored,” and so on,  or they may just believe their day went the way of all winds.

While we may not be able to have any control over the events of said day, we are always at choice about how we face them; if indeed we are conscious of what is going on as well as the thoughts and feelings that accompany them. Whenever things don’t go according to my well considered plans, I do my best to take a step back and contemplate options. I could get frustrated or angry, disappointed or distraught. I could also ask myself one of my favorite questions:  “Now what?”  From that jumping off point comes all kinds of options as I allow Spirit to direct me. It usually has much better ideas about what might be even better than what I had planned in the first place.

I look back on the relationships that shifted in undesired ways that left the door open for new people to show up in my life. I think about the various jobs I applied for that I didn’t get that allowed me to do much of what I am doing now. I consider the various health crises I went through last year and am grateful (really I am!) that they occurred as wake up calls that shook me out of complacency.

Each day that I choose happiness and allow life to do its thang , even in the face of challenge, it truly is my day.

Photo credit- Brendon Burchard



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