As I am writing this entry, I am curled up in a chair  in a room at The Crowne Plaza in Cherry Hill, NJ. My roomates, Ruth Anne Wood and Kaya John and I have been chatting and giggling for hours about all manner of things, including relationships, faeries, sex, out of body experiences, synchroncities, our work in the world, monkey mind inner critic obnoxious voices, music, movies,  loss of loved ones; two legged and four legged, and The Beatles (Kaya is writing a book on the subject called When Life Sends You Lemons Make LennonAid:  One Woman’s Victory Over Childhood Abuse). It would be an understatement to say that she is a wee bit obsessed with The Fab Four.

Ruth and I have known each other since she was 14 and Kaya and I are new friends who met a few months ago at a fundraiser for a friend who at the time was being treated for cancer and who is now blessedly healthy. She and I discovered an overlapping soul circle connection as she is long ago friends with my cousin’s husband.

We are attending a conference called Get OUT There, which is filled with high octane marketing ideas for conscious entrepreneurs. The attendees hail from all around the world and for three days are immersed in networking, sharing ideas, and learning from Christine Gallagher who refers to herself as CEO/Head Goddess of her company called She’s Got Clients. That she does and that she teaches brilliantly. I have been enjoying watching this vibrant, seemingly tireless woman pick ideas as if they were ripe apples in a tree just waiting to be crunched into and savored, with the juice dripping down our chins. I thought I knew alot about spreading the word about my work and that of others I have served. I have been amazed at just how much there is to learn and I wish we could do a Vulcan Mind Meld, so I could get it all down in the short time we have together. I was also gratified to hear that I already am doing many things that she recommended and are beneficial, including this blog. Glad to have it validated. I am also loving getting to know the folks who are playing big in their lives and drinking it all in. The idea of competition in business is giving way to cooperation and I have been delighted to share ideas with the others about our respective passions and how to best get the word out.

Ruth is the founder and director of Scripting For Success which helps people take their dreams out of the drawer and into the light of day. This dynamic woman has worked with creative souls from all walks of life; the maintstream and the metaphysical. She herself took a giant leap into being a sponsor for this particular event, as well as co-authoring a book with best selling authors on business success and mindset. She is giving away a chapter called Transforming Debt Into Abundance. Ruth invited me to play along and I’ve had a blast helping her ‘woman the table’ and  network, which happens to be one of my favorite things to do.

So, back to the big girl slumber party. It has been awhile since any of us have been teenagers who stayed up all night playing Truth or Dare, telling scary stories and eating ourselves into a sugar induced high. On this night, we are far more sedate….heck the two of them are entering dreamland at the moment as my fingers are tapping away on the keyboard. May all of our  sweetest waking and sleeping dreams come true. Golden Slumbers -The Beatles


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