In 2006, I had  submitted an essay into a  contest with the theme “Love Begins With Me” for Global Love Day.  A short while after I sent it in, I received an email from the Founder of the organization, a love luminary named Harold W. Becker, telling me that what had arrived via snail mail had a bite taken out of it somewhere en route. I could hear the smile in his message when he conveyed that when he opened the letter, the missing piece was in the shape of a heart, which he felt was a good omen. He asked me to re-submit via email so I could make the deadline. Guess what? My submission was chosen as the Finalist for that year. Wowie Zowie! I cried, I laughed, I danced, I jumped up and down like a kid on a pogo stick. I took a deep breath and thanked Spirit. You can see the essay under archives 2006.

The Love Foundation encourages people to love unconditionally as it offers ideas for planting seeds of love, events, meditations, as well as the aforementioned essay contest. It also invites people to nominate someone as a Love Ambassador; a person who shares the message of unconditional love in their daily lives.

May 1st celebrates the annual Global Love Day. Around the world, people gather to pump up the volume on the strongest power on the planet. Community leaders issue proclamations, gatherings occur in small villages and towering cities.

You are invited to submit your own work of he(art) in the form of an essay, poetry or artistic creation. The deadline for this year is March 31st. If you are so moved, let your creative juices flow and send something to them.

Harold shares his vision of a world in which love reigns:

“Love Begins With Me”

We are one humanity on this planet.
All life is interconnected and interdependent.
All share in the Universal bond of love.
Love begins with self acceptance and forgiveness.
 With respect and compassion we embrace diversity.
Together we make a difference through love

Check out the website of this amazing organization and share your thoughts about Love.

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