One of the things that so charms me about music is how permeable it is and allows for merging of style and genre.  Two artists that immediately leap to mind for me are M.C. Yogi and Matisyahu. A bit of a wild-child,  according to his website: “MC Yogi  was inspired by musicians such as The Beastie Boys…

Words have immense power to alter our perception of reality. One measure of your world view are the results you experience in your life.  The word ‘declare’ comes from Latin “to make clear”,   “to reveal” , “to make manifest.”  Create a ‘declare eclair’  filled with luscious, sweet, delectable stuff.  Declare joy. Declare success. Declare abundance.…

The Heart Is The Home of Wonder  Breathe in the warmth of this place, allowing yourself to feel a sense of welcome   It is your own love, your own beauty that beckons you inside   How long has it been, since you have crossed this threshold?   The door has always been open, the…

What does Thanksgiving mean to you? For many people, it is about gathering together with loved ones around a table, filled to overflowing with all manner of delectable food. Perhaps it brings to mind the onset of the holiday hustle that flies in the face of the purpose for a season of good will, whatever…

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