I couldn’t resist the opportunity to add a little Philly flavor to the title of the blog post today:)  


This week I came upon a video that had me laughing, dancing (that was part of its purpose) and focusing on what matters most in my life. There are times when I develop what I refer to as ‘spiritual amnesia’ during which I forget how magnificent my life is. Bills to pay, stress to muddle through, feeling like Gumby pulled in a million directions, schedules to keep, deadlines to meet, and the occasional household appliances that need repair. Add to ‘life stuff happening’, I am facing the inevitability of my Mother passing, as she is currently receiving hospice services in Florida, 1200 miles away from my home in Pennsylvania. I visit as often as possible and she is my inspiration for much of what I do.


Upon awakening, checking email, I see that someone has gifted me with said video created by two kindred spirits named Matthew Ashdown and Brad Morris, who are together The GratiDudes. Their Gratitude Dance was featured on Good Morning America and their vision of having people world wide join in the frolic, is well under way.


Their antics with a powerful purpose can be seen on their website www.thegratidudes.com These gratitude gurus encourage people to shift their perspective into one of counting blessings, by writing a daily list and then doing the gratitude dance, a highly energetic bodily bliss bath. Even if you are unable to move that vigorously, wiggling fingers, toes or eye brows will suffice.

The benefits of gratitude are multi-fold. Grateful people are less depressed, more optimistic, have more social contacts, enjoy improved well being on all levels and express feeling greater levels of success. Why should that be a surprise? According to Dr. John Demartini, www.drdemartini.com author, speaker and human behavior specialist who appeared in the movie The Secret: “Whatever we think about and thank about, we bring about.”

Dr. Darren Weissman shares his knowledge of the ways in which deep appreciation affects body, mind and spirit through teaching the concept of Infinite Love and Gratitude www.infiniteloveandgratitude.com He believes that using those words as a mantra and the ASL (American Sign Language) symbol for “I love you” as a mudra, can have a profound healing impact. He has witnessed it in his own life and with his clients. I printed out the image and have it on my office door as a reminder for myself and my own patients and co-workers.

The morning that I danced along with the GratiDudes, I was speaking with my Mom who was feeling discouraged that her formerly active life was shrinking rapidly due to the heart condition she is experiencing. I asked her to share with me things for which she was grateful. She listed at least a dozen appreciative aspects and I did the same and by the end of the call, her voice sounded stronger and she expressed feeling calmer. We agreed to make that a daily ritual.

I invite you to take a moment, wherever you are, whatever you are doing and speak or write what it is that blesses your life. If I had a prescription pad, I would, in bold calligraphy, recommend a daily dose of gratitude. May your cup runneth over~

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