It’s the party season.  How can you get through these next weeks without blowing your healthy eating plan — and feeling perpetually crummy because of the sugar and junk?

*Don’t go to a party hungry.  Eat a low glycemic snack or meal before you go.  

* Afraid you will either overdo or feel deprived?  This might be the time for the Snickers technique.  Pick out a treat that is low-glycemic but too high calorie to eat often, like a Snickers bar.  Remind yourself that if you avoid all the high carb foods at the party you can eat your Snickers when you get home. Yes, it has 200+ calories, but you probably would eat several times that amount of party food that is notoriously high glycemic — and a Snickers has a low glycemic number and won’t give your body the “store-up-the-fat” message.     Click here to read about how Snickers can fit into your low-glycemic eating plan.  By the way, eat it AFTER the party, not before.

*Look for the best choices among the food served.  Opt for the nuts and the veggie tray first and fill your plate with good-for-you food.

*If you decide to splurge — make sure you enjoy it.  Take small bites and savor every one. But don’t pig out all evening.  Take one treat and make it count.

And here’s another suggestion about parties — don’t focus on the food.  Parties are about people, not about what you stuff in your mouth.  Take a step away from the goodies and socialize with your friends and co-workers.

Not good at parties?  Here’s a trick I learned to get over awkwardness in social situations. Look for the Lone Rangers.  There are always people standing around the fringe of every group, obviously not fitting in.  I was often one of that crowd, until I learned  to pretend I was the hostess. Then it became my job to make sure everyone had a good time. Now I seek out the Lone Rangers and talk to them, asking about their families and their interests, showing an interest in them.  People are fascinating — all of them!  Everyone has a story and hidden depths.  As you focus on making people comfortable, you will give yourself an interesting evening and maybe even make new friends.

And that is better than going just to eat goodies!

Eating to live and living for Christ,

Susan Jordan Brown

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