A special thank you to Beyond Blue reader Larry Parker who moderated the February Self-Esteem Forum which was a huge success! For all newbies: the self-esteem forum is an opportunity to get matched up with one person whom you will get to know and for whom you will eventually write a letter of affirmation, listing ten positive qualities. I have really enjoyed this process. I am amazed by the strength and determination of many Beyond Blue members and readers.
I thought I’d share parts of my letter to Cheryl because her story is such an inspiration to me. She reminds me very much of my guardian angel, Ann.
Thanks for everyone who participated. If you are curious about it and considering joining us in March, you might want to click on the “Self-Esteem Forum #2” discussion thread in Group Beyond Blue in Beliefnet’s Community.

Hi Cheryl,
I was so glad that I had the opportunity to write your affirmation letter because I’ve wanted to thank you for all your involvement in Beyond Blue. You have dedicated so much of your time and experience to the community, and are a big part of why it is thriving. As I looked through the discussion threads, half of them were started by you!
Before I get lost in how much I want to say, let me count the ways I admire you!
You remind me of my guardian angel, Ann. That’s ten qualities right there! Let me tell you why.
1) You are a survivor. Holy cow. Your mom was an alcoholic and committed suicide. You’ve been hospitalized 13 times. You’ve been through ECT 15 times. And yet you are one of the strongest members of our community—with the way you are constantly asking for support and giving support, so generously.

2) That’s number two. You are one of the most generous people I’ve encountered. That’s apparent on the discussion threads—you are there almost every time to greet the newcomer, or to offer an encouragement quote to someone going through a rough time. Your involvement with NAMI speaks volumes, as well. You want to be a voice for the person so riddled in mental illness that they don’t know how to talk. You have mastered #12 of the 12 steps of AA or ACOA—sharing your experience, strength, and hope with each other.

3) You’re strong and tenacious. Man, nothing gets you down. As I was reading through your journals and your page, I was amazed that you could be like the Energizer rabbit and just keep on going, going straight through the crap to get to the other side. You amaze me with your strength.
4) You are faithful. I love your two favorite Biblical quotes. They are favorites of mine as well, and they tell me that you have more trust in God than you give yourself credit for. It seems to be that your faith is very strong, and that even in the most painful periods of your life, you didn’t turn on him (as I have), but rather ask for an explanation. Wow.
5) You are organized, determined and goal-minded. I was taken aback when I saw the Valentines day thread that you started awhile back. I don’t even think it was February get! But, thinking ahead, you knew you were going to need support, so you sought it! And what a discussion it generated! Thank you! (Also, I’m featuring it coming up on my blog.)
6) You are wise and insightful. Kahlil Gibran said that understanding come from pain. Indeed that’s the case with you. All of your pain has translated into wisdom and insight that you just don’t get without having gone to hell. Thank you for going to hell and bringing back the lessons for us, so that we might not have to go as far (if I know what you mean – this is supposed to be a compliment).
7) You are gentle. How do I say this? When I look at your picture, you come across as such a sweet and sincere person. You are soft. The hardships in your life have made you the opposite of bitter. They have softened you so much that your face is like a flower, not harsh as someone might expect it to be having gone through everything you have.
I could go on, but I want to get back and read through all the discussion threads you’ve started.
Take care, Cheryl, and know that you are very much appreciated.
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