If you’ve been reading Beyond Blue with any regularity, you know Larry Parker, because Larry is my most, um, vocal and frequent, commenter. He is extremely intelligent. Philosophical and sophisticated brains like his are the reason I kept my mouth shut in theology class. I let boys and girls like him duke it out with…

This journal entry (blog post) of Larry’s can be found at http://community.beliefnet.com/blogs/1580 (with thanks to David Kuo of Bnet’s “J-Walking” blog for the inspiration … and apologies in advance to my non-Catholic/Christian friends online and off …) David Kuo, the former White House aide who has turned sharply critical of President Bush for not putting…

And this blog post/journal entry of Larry’s can be found at http://community.beliefnet.com/blogs/1741. Since I wrote a valedictory to the city of New Brunswick in one of my last posts, I thought I would share another valedictory — the thank you letter I just posted on the listserv of my support group, where I have been…

Patton Dodd, Beliefnet’s Christianity Editor, is compiling best and worst Christmas stories on a Beliefnet Community page (click here). It got me thinking about mine … My best Christmas was the first year that my dad and mom were separated–I was in sixth grade–and my dad came over after Christmas Eve mass and gave my…

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