Here is what J. Raymond DePaulo Jr., M.D. says about hospitalization in his book, “Understanding Depression“:

“The need for hospitalization arises if a person is endangered because he or she is suicidal, or so paranoid or so irritable that he or she is threatening or exhibiting violent behavior. Similarly urgent measures are called for if the ill person has developed hallucinations or delusions or is so confused as to be unable to care for basic personal needs. For example, if the depressed or manic person cannot get out of bed for days at a time, or is so mistrustful that he or she can’t or won’t take medications as prescribed, then admission is usually warranted. While there are exceptions, these symptoms or signs should be viewed with concern and most likely require an emergency evaluation if not admission.

“Inpatient admission will be needed in a number of other circumstances as well, especially when a treatment is required that presents a significant health risk for a patient. For example, if a person has another medical condition in addition to depression or manic depression, admission would be justified so that the patient’s medical condition could be carefully monitored while he or she is treated for the depressive illness.”

I should add this: one of the reasons I was hospitalized the first time was to get a second opinion, and to detox off all the crap in my system thanks to doctor number two. Medications can be tried at a much faster pace when a person is hospitalized because you are monitored. If you need relief fast, fast, fast, hospitalization if worth your consideration.

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