Dharma always has a unique take on astrological cycles that I just love. With the Galactic Center at 26 degrees Sagittarius (and moving VERY slowly), in a few hundred years it will move into Capricorn. Here’s what Dharma has to say about that transition:

So what might characterise the Age we are moving into, the Galactic Age of Capricorn? The GC is nearing the end of Sag, so we might expect to see a few signs of what GC in Capricorn might be, even though it’s 200 years away. What immediately springs to mind is the religion of materialism. I don’t think there was ever a Golden Age when humanity was not materialistic. It’s just that we’re a lot better at it these days, to the point where the creation of wealth for wealth’s sake has become a sort of widespread religion, an ultimate value that gives meaning to many people’s lives, or so they think. Even the creation of the wealth we need to live on is given an inflated moral value, particularly in the USA. (So you can take care of yourself – good, now do something interesting!) All this is a relatively recent phenomenon, and may therefore signal the Age to come: the Age of Mammon! It may be that we ain’t seen nothing yet when it comes to mankind’s ability to worship material wealth. More positively, it may be an age when people with real wisdom, based on age and experience, will come to be valued more – hierarchy in the best sense. Sagittarius, with its bias towards the ‘puer’ archetype, reflects our modern youth culture that does not know how to value old people. And the tendency of organised religion to worship dead images of perfection instead of valuing real people. What we’re likely to get in the Capricornian Age is the ‘senex’ archetype, which at its worst is the “appalling old waxworks” – Prince Charles’ description of the current Chinese leaders.

At that point we will be firmly in the Age of Aquarius, an interesting contradiction. The Galactic age of Capricornian materialism in the Grand Age of Aquarian idealism? I’m sure what actually occurs will be beyond our imagining, but it’s an interesting idea to ponder.

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