
Asthma is a condition that affects an individual’s breathing. Some people are born with asthma, while others develop the breathing condition later in life. Either way it’s a serious medical issue that should be managed with your physician. Usually shortness of breath, coughing, wheezing and chest tightness are clear symptoms of asthma. Many physicians recommend a daily steroid for sufferers that helps to strengthen the airways and keep them open without the constant need of a rescue inhaler.

However, even knowing the medical definition and explanation for asthma doesn’t mean you know everything that there is to know. If you suffer from asthma or know someone that does, here are four things you need to know about the disorder.


There are several things that can trigger asthma. What might trigger a flare up in one individual, may not be the same case in someone else. Common triggers are allergens such as dust mites, pollen (from trees, grass, and weeds), mold, animal dander, or cockroaches.

Other triggers are respiratory illnesses such as the cold or flu – and during these times most doctors will recommend an asthma sufferer to receive daily breathing treatments with a nebulizer to help keep their airways open. Physical activity and cold air can cause sufferers to gasp for breath. In addition, strong emotions or stress can create tightness in the chest and bring forth an asthma attack.


Various pollutants that exist within the ozone can irritate the lungs. Researchers believe that a long time exposure to pollution can slow the lung growth in children and cause continuous flare ups within an individual’s existing asthma condition. People who live in areas where smog is heavy tend to suffer from ongoing breathing issues because the components within smog are potential hazards to asthmatic individuals.

Too Clean:

The idea that overly sanitized environments not allowing children to build their immune systems is called hygiene hypothesis. Many researchers believe that children who are not exposed to germs can develop asthma because their body isn’t use to the normal bacteria that the majority of people encounter on a regular basis. Children who grow up on farms and drink raw cow milk are believed to be at a lower risk of asthma. In addition rural children are most likely breathing cleaner air and spending more time outdoors, which means they’re probably absorbing more vitamin D – thus helping the overall development of their lungs.


Asthma is a hereditary disease that is non-curable. In some cases, asthma can lead to severe attacks and has even been linked to deaths. It’s important for children of asthma sufferers take precaution when coming into contact with risky allergens or pollutants. There is no way to diagnosis asthma until an individual is already suffering. In some cases asthma can go unnoticed until a trigger causes the condition to flare up.

It’s important to be aware of the triggers that cause asthma to flare up. Living a healthy lifestyle that is smoke free will help to alleviate any possible issues from arising. In addition, if you or someone you know suffers from asthma be cautious of your surroundings. Pets and even the day-to-day stress can cause problems to become more severe.

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