 The Book of Love and Creation

The following excerpt is taken from The Book of Love and Creation: a Channeled Text by Paul Selig by Paul Selig.

Introduction: The Roof

One night when I was twenty- five years old, I climbed up to the roof of the building where I lived in Chelsea and asked whatever God there was to wake me up.

I had been raised something of an atheist on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, and I had been taught that people who had a spiritual life were perhaps deluded, or ignorant, and not to be taken seriously.

But I had come to a point in my life where the need for something else had become apparent. And so I asked. I can’t say exactly what happened on the roof. I wonder, still, if I didn’t perhaps induce it myself in some way, but I had an experience that left me mute and paralyzed and swaying in an energy that seemed to come from the pit of my being and course through my body and out the top of my head. Shortly thereafter, I began seeing little lights around people, like fireflies.

I began studying a form of energy healing to gain a context for what I was now beginning to experience and found that when I had my hands on people, I began to hear things for them— names, fragments of information, phrases that seemed to emerge from the chatter in my own mind. What I heard made no sense to me, but made perfect sense to the client. In this way, I began to evolve as a clairaudient and later as a conscious channel. My guides, a consortium of beings from a higher level of consciousness, were here to teach.

I convened a small group in my apartment for weekly sessions with my guides and found that the information that came through me as I channeled was accompanied by an energy that was profoundly loving and physically palpable. This went on for many years, quietly, as I continued my life as a playwright and academic.

In 2009, my guides announced, quite unexpectedly, that they had a book to write, and two days later began to dictate the text of I Am the Word, which they described as a treatise on the manifestation of Christ in man. They stated that the book was an energy transmission that worked directly on its readers to bring them into accordance with the frequency of the Word, which they have defined simply as “the energy of God in action.” The dictation took two and a half weeks. They promised that I Am the Word was the first book of three, the mission text, and that other books would follow.

The Book of Love and Creation was dictated shortly after I Am the Word was in the hands of its publisher. I had not wanted to channel another book so soon—a relationship that I had valued had ended badly, and I wasn’t keen on returning to my role as a student of and channel for my guides, whose agenda seemed, at times, a bit loftier than my personal happiness.

Victoria Nelson, a colleague of mine at Goddard College, had been the “active listener” or audience for I Am the Word and was eager to learn what more the guides had to say. I reluctantly agreed to call her for a brief check-in to see what the guides had planned, and they took the opportunity to deliver the prologue of the book.

The Book of Love and Creation, although it bears my name, was not written by me. I am a conscious channel, and the book was dictated, verbally, often at lightning speed, over thirty days of sittings conducted over a month and a half. I called Victoria at her home in Berkeley at the appointed hour, closed my eyes, and spoke the words that were given to me until I was told to stop. The recordings were then transcribed and the transcriptions were proofread. The amount of editing was so small as to be completely negligible—a dropped word here and there, a misspoken syllable. What you have is the teaching as it was delivered.

I am a student of my guides’ work, not the teacher. I have always been a somewhat private man, and now that my work as a channel has become known I am often called to work with others. As the guides promised, I Am the Word has found its readership, and I continue to receive e-mail from people around the world whose lives have been changed by its teachings and who claim the shared experience of being worked with energetically as they engage with the text.

I am grateful for the work that comes through me. I am grateful for the privilege of sitting in an energy that feels so loving and strong and can be felt by others—often those who have never felt energy or who were, like me, raised to believe that such things cannot be possible.

But it is possible. The work is here. As my guides continue to remind me, this is the time, we have choice, and we are being asked again and again to wake up and claim our divine birthright.

If you are new to the work of the guides, this book will be your introduction. If you have already worked with their teachings, you will find this to be a continuation and a deepening of them. There is more to come.

Paul Selig is a writer, teacher, and medium.  A spiritual experience in 1987 left him clairvoyant, and he maintains a private practice as an intuitive and channel in New York City, where he has led channeled energy groups for almost twenty years.  Also a noted playwright and educator, Paul directs the Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program at Goddard College and teaches at New York University's Tisch School of Arts.

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