If you are an expectant or new parent, get ready for some of the most profound moments of spiritual joy you will ever experience. But know that at the same time, there will be moments in which your faith will be put to the test as never before. From labor pains to baby's first smile, from nights of sleep deprivation to the smell of her sweet downy head, there are few other times in life when joys and tribulations so freely mingle.

Faith traditions throughout the ages have recognized the need for prayers and rituals that can help guide parents through this tumultuous time. Ceremonies and celebrations, customs and traditions, and prayer ideas to give hope and quiet fears are some of what we have compiled below. Click on the ones that interest you most and feel free to contribute your own thoughts and ideas to our "Welcome Your Baby" guide.

Religious Rituals by Faith

Judaism * Catholicism * Protestantism *  Paganism * Hinduism * Islam

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