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Beloved Children,

I want you to know how deeply I love and cherish everyone of you. All of you are precious souls that harbor divine goodness that, at times, is saturated in fear that may prevent you from showing it. Know that I hear every word and every prayer directed my way. Whether you talk to me casually, sing to me, or pray the Holy Rosary. In whatever means puts you at ease, I am always there. Do not fall into the traps of darkness that are flooding this Earth with showers of fear. I will protect you and assist you with all your needs.

Many of my children are living in such despair and frustration with feelings of desperation, having nowhere left to turn to. Tell them to confide in me. I am always listening, waiting to bless those with my comfort and love. I am here for everyone. It matters not to me how much money you earn, your religious affiliation, your physical appearance, or any past indecencies. Contrary to what your mind might envision, I am not a harsh judge.

Many of you are wounded deeply in your psyche, your physical strength, your emotions. Many of you are reluctant to accept healing because you use your wounds as protection from reoccurring pain. You are terrified of letting go of your habitual ways of living and struggle with the desperation of not knowing what will be next. Reach out to me! I will hold you tightly but with a gentle touch. Let all your tears fall and realize that I love you. I share all your agonies; I have wept often for man’s atrocities I have witnessed. I know my children are worthy and can do so much more to eliminate the fears, greed, and hatred we have allowed to move in our minds rather than in our hearts. I am beside all of those who dearly suffer, who feel neglected, who are abused. I am your mother. Never forget this.

I have love in my heart for each of your hearts. Please hold on. Do not let the oppression of your spirit eliminate the hope that is alive.

Your future is glorious. Remember to lean upon me for the strength that is needed.


Read Lisa Owens's blogs The Fae Way Come N' Play and Angel Directory.

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