Share your ideas and hopes

The ideal next pope would be a saint, like this pope. --im4m, 3/2000

This is kind of silly, since it in the last two election (and 3 of the last 4) it was a dark horse, but fun none the less.

Schonborn is probably too young. After a 22+ year pontificate, the Cardinals will probably not be willing to pick a guy who could be Pope for 30+ years. Conventional wisdom says it will an older guy, probably early/middle 70's.

A name that always comes up is Carlo Cardinal Martini, S.J., of Milan. He is extremely articulate and has a rock-star like following among the young people of Europe. He is pretty liberal, a Jesuit (there has never been a Jesuit Pope), and has a tendency to drop off-hand blasts to the media (he said in one article about a year ago that we need a Vatican III), all of which will hurt him.

Another trendy choice is Jean Marie Cardinal Lustiger, from Paris. He's the guy whose parents died in the Holocaust, and was adopted by a French Catholic family. He's pretty moderate, but I know that Jewish groups are against him because he has said he was better off as a Catholic. The PR from that might be a negative. -- mjb691, 9/22/00

Cardinal Arinze would be a good choice. He has been very active in trying to establish a positive relationship with Muslim religious leaders over the oast ten years or so. He heads the Joint Islamic/Catholic Committee which is s subdivision in the Congress for Non-Christian Religions (I think). --tmore35, 1/24/02

He should be more pastor than administrator. More teacher than inquisitor. Lead by example, not decree. Spiritual leader, not political leader. Stress morality, holiness, and the love of Christ, not dry doctrine. Conduct himself as the leader of Christ's whole Church, not just a part of it. Witness to the excitement of Catholicism, offer Christ to the whole world, don't lock Him away in a Church or tabernacle. --TemplarS, 5/17/02

Cardinal Ratzinger is a good interim candidate, but I don't think he wants it. My bet is on Cardinal Schonborn. He is bright, wrote the catechism, and is personable. He is also entirely orthodox. His only problem is that he is a bit young yet. So maybe Ratzinger first and then Schonborn. My fingers are crossed. --cestusdei, 9/13/00

My prediction is Christian Cardinal Tumi, age 69. Regarding Cardinal Martini; wouldn't the election of a Jesuit be a conflict of interest? --noseington, 2/2000

As a Latin-American (and yet north-american), I agree that [it's] very likely the next Pope will come from this region. Why? Simply because the first and second largest Catholic countries are here: Brazil and Mexico. -- memommz

Considering all the attention Brazil is getting these days, the next pope could come from there. Right now, Brazil is the trend. It is to the late 90's and 2000's what India was to the late 60's and early 70's. It is the latest Gucci bag. ...I still say it will either be an Italian or a Hispanic. If it is Hispanic, they will be from South America somewhere. --angelvoices

Share your ideas and hopes

Share your ideas and hopes

We have an innate desire to believe that the Holy Spirit chooses every pope...but that's not always been the case.

If we were to glean a wish list from this thread, it seems we're looking for someone fairly orthodox, but with a renewed understanding of humanity, inclusive of many often overlooked groups, who has the charisma and theological wisdom of our current pontiff. And his surname won't be Ratzinger, Mahoney, or Nguyen...

I can actually see either a French or South American, as well. There are a number of vibrant men in wearing the cardinal's hat. I just hope for someone so blessed that we can evolve into a more spiritual and electric body. --budlongbrown

I for one hope that the next pope will also defend the faith from modernists, and also that he will continue JPII's practice of exerting political power. --stephen_rufus, 5/17/01

I'm all for a third-world pope. It will be less difficult to express a preferential option for the poor if the 'servant of the servants of God' is from their number.

The next pope will be old. After a long pontificate (as of today, the fifth longest in history) the Cardinals tend to pick an older 'transitional' pope to sort of manage things for a few years while the church recovers and plans what dto do next. ...

I used to be very pro-Arinze...then I met him. Way too uptight and formal, even for a Prince of the Church. I liked Cassidy's personality (an Aussie who was a diplomat and curial council president) but he is already retired, and i think the rest of the world thinks of our friends down under as too Americanized anyway. --Protoclete, 4/1/02

Ratzinger, Biffi, Schonborn are entirely orthodox and among my favorites but none of them are endorsing the 5th Marian dogma which would define Mary as a cooperator with CHRIST'S work of redemption. However, Arinze, another leading candidate for the papacy does along with about 60 other cardinals. The late John Cardinal O'Connor also supported the papal definition of this dogma. I can tell you who I don't want--Cardinal Martini. --twohearts, 9/22/00

In our modern age, it is imperative that the Pope be pastoral, visible, more than anything a spiritual leader who is able to project compassion, holiness, and a real excitement about Catholicism.

He must hold to sound doctrine against both the "liberals' and "conservatives"; I do not think that the Church needs any wrenching changes at this point. But, like JPII, he must find a way to maintain dialogue with the Orthodox, Protestants, and indeed non-Christians.

The biggest change from JPII that I might look for is someone willing to allow the bishops (and national conferences of bishops) more independence in non-doctrinal matters. The Church is so diverse today regionally and culturally that a "one size fits all" mentalilty is going to be increasingly more difficult to maintain. Also, this is one small step that we are going to need to take if we are to have any hope of true unity with the Orthodox.

As for any particular individual, I wouldn't hazard a guess; the Holy Spirit has had a recent history of guiding the electors towards some surprising but outstanding choices. --SmithSaint, 1/22/02

Share your ideas and hopes

Share your ideas and hopes

We need a Pope who will have the courage to set The Church back on the right path. A Pope who will be strong enough to stand up to the bishops (some, not all) who would divide The Church into "national" or "autonomous" churches as the orthodox have. A Pope who will throw out the abuses, ecumenism, and modernism that was so strongly CONDEMNED by his illustrious predeccessors Bl. Pope Pius IX and Pope St. Pius X. Unfortunately, the only Cardinal that I know to be remotely close to that would be Biffini in Bologna. Thank God the Holy Spirit holds the important vote. --deigloriam, 2/7/02

It seems that the front runner at the moment is Cardinal Rodriguez-Maradiaga of Honduras. I think he is perhaps too young at the moment and that people will want a shorter papacy than the present one. Also, as they say - he who goes into the conclave a pope comes out a cardinal.

I doubt it will be an Italian Pope. I doubt that Europe will vote as a block and Italy has 22 electors out of 129. I think my figures are right.

Please, no Biffi. I would become apostate if it was an idiot like that or an Opus Dei member or supporter. Biffi is close to retirement anyway. I think a pope who is more collegial would be good.

Finally, I believe that the next pope will like the present one and John Paul I and John XXIII, one that no one suspected. Cardinal Napier, perhaps. --manutius, 2/13/02

I recently read an article by a Conservative, Neo-conservative (not Traditional) reporter that is stationed in Rome. He seems to think that there are six candidates for the papacy.

Three Italians, two from Eastern Europe and one South American. The divisions are between the liberals and conservatives. The liberals have already lost one candidate, who is Cardinal Martini who will retire. The conservatives will lose the South American due to having the liberal press against him. According to him the folks that write the religious news are all liberals. (his words, not mine). Cardinal Biffi loses out because he has called the media "vermin" and his views against moslem migration into Italy.

So that leaves the candidates backed by Ratzinger and the Archbishop Re who is very powerful in Rome. The article says he is the pope's "right-hand man".

His conclusion is that the Eastern Europeans will not become pope because JPII is Polish and as an Eastern European will cancel them out. So again, according to this reporter, the next pope will be ...da! dah!... Conservative (or Neo-conservative, if you prefer.) and Italian. --cajetan14, 2/27/02

Who cares? I love this pope so much, and he has been so good, I will miss him very, very much when he is gone!!! We have NOT always been so blessed... --garyzak8, 9/13/00

I think God is going to have the last laugh and we're all going to be surprised. --Kerry22, 2/28/02

He must hold to sound doctrine against both the "liberals' and "conservatives"; I do not think that the Church needs any wrenching changes at this point. But, like JPII, he must find a way to maintain dialogue with the Orthodox, Protestants, and indeed non-Christians.

The biggest change from JPII that I might look for is someone willing to allow the bishops (and national conferences of bishops) more independence in non-doctrinal matters. The Church is so diverse today regionally and culturally that a "one size fits all" mentalilty is going to be increasingly more difficult to maintain. Also, this is one small step that we are going to need to take if we are to have any hope of true unity with the Orthodox.

As for any particular individual, I wouldn't hazard a guess; the Holy Spirit has had a recent history of guiding the electors towards some surprising but outstanding choices. --SmithSaint, 1/22/02

Share your ideas and hopes

Share your ideas and hopes

We need a Pope who will have the courage to set The Church back on the right path. A Pope who will be strong enough to stand up to the bishops (some, not all) who would divide The Church into "national" or "autonomous" churches as the orthodox have. A Pope who will throw out the abuses, ecumenism, and modernism that was so strongly CONDEMNED by his illustrious predeccessors Bl. Pope Pius IX and Pope St. Pius X. Unfortunately, the only Cardinal that I know to be remotely close to that would be Biffini in Bologna. Thank God the Holy Spirit holds the important vote. --deigloriam, 2/7/02

It seems that the front runner at the moment is Cardinal Rodriguez-Maradiaga of Honduras. I think he is perhaps too young at the moment and that people will want a shorter papacy than the present one. Also, as they say - he who goes into the conclave a pope comes out a cardinal.

I doubt it will be an Italian Pope. I doubt that Europe will vote as a block and Italy has 22 electors out of 129. I think my figures are right.

Please, no Biffi. I would become apostate if it was an idiot like that or an Opus Dei member or supporter. Biffi is close to retirement anyway. I think a pope who is more collegial would be good.

Finally, I believe that the next pope will like the present one and John Paul I and John XXIII, one that no one suspected. Cardinal Napier, perhaps. --manutius, 2/13/02

I recently read an article by a Conservative, Neo-conservative (not Traditional) reporter that is stationed in Rome. He seems to think that there are six candidates for the papacy.

Three Italians, two from Eastern Europe and one South American. The divisions are between the liberals and conservatives. The liberals have already lost one candidate, who is Cardinal Martini who will retire. The conservatives will lose the South American due to having the liberal press against him. According to him the folks that write the religious news are all liberals. (his words, not mine). Cardinal Biffi loses out because he has called the media "vermin" and his views against moslem migration into Italy.

So that leaves the candidates backed by Ratzinger and the Archbishop Re who is very powerful in Rome. The article says he is the pope's "right-hand man".

His conclusion is that the Eastern Europeans will not become pope because JPII is Polish and as an Eastern European will cancel them out. So again, according to this reporter, the next pope will be ...da! dah!... Conservative (or Neo-conservative, if you prefer.) and Italian. --cajetan14, 2/27/02

Who cares? I love this pope so much, and he has been so good, I will miss him very, very much when he is gone!!! We have NOT always been so blessed... --garyzak8, 9/13/00

I think God is going to have the last laugh and we're all going to be surprised. --Kerry22, 2/28/02

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