
Chakras can be thought of as places along our spine where the universal life-force (kundalini) is particularly concentrated. Everyone feels their chakras – either as pleasurable thoughts, emotions and body sensations or as painful beliefs, feelings and sickness.

The fastest way to change your life for the better is to change the state of your chakras.

Chakra change means life change! We can imagine our chakras like film projectors that project our surrounding environment like a projector projects a movie on a screen. In order to manifest our dreams we need to change the roll of film in our projector – or purify our chakra from all its negativity. Therefore, if we want our life to change we need to change our chakras first and the ‘outside world’ will follow. This is the way to experience love, success and happiness. 

Chakra Healing

Tibetan Buddhism recognises five main chakras (as opposed to seven in Hinduism).  It is important to understand that chakras and energy channels are not a mechanical system of pipes or vents in our body. Chakra opening is foremost an event of the mind and only secondarily an event of the body. It is therefore our limiting beliefs and attitudes that have caused all the problems in our chakras and we should be prepared to look at these attitudes and then let them go.

The fastest way to heal our chakras is imagining a loving (divine) being in front of us sending love into our chakra and our own chakra opening out like a flower to receive this love. The greatest healer of all limiting attitudes and beliefs is love. Therefore, sending love into every chakra will bring them to their most beautiful opening and ultimately to the union with the divine.

Head Chakra

When the head chakra is open we feel spiritual bliss, have deep insights about the nature of reality, clarity of thought, clairvoyance, superior concentration and visualization abilities, creative ideas and even spiritual visions.

When the head chakra is blocked we suffer from negative thoughts, inferior or megalomaniac ideas about ourselves, limited ideas about reality, depression, lack of imagination, inability to focus, tiredness and head-aches. We may also suffer from learning disorders like adhd and illnessnes around the head.

Throat Chakra

When the throat chakra is open we are able to communicate brilliantly and convincingly, we are full of joy and confidence and enjoy the give and take with other people.

When the throat chakra is blocked we feel shy, we may stutter, we find it hard to express ourselves, we feel anxious, stressed and suffer from performance anxiety. We may also have a voice that sounds unpleasant, we may use foul and aggressive language and suffer from pain and illnesses around the throat.

Heart Chakra

When the heart chakra is open we feel at ease with ourselves and the world. Everything appears as lovely and we can love everyone – friends and enemies alike. We feel a deep sense of purpose and know that we are the right place at the right time. On the highest level an open heart-chakra indicates the union with the divine.

When the heart chakra is closed we may feel sad, rejected, lonely, depressed and full of self-pity. There is strong sense that things are not going the way they should and that something essential is missing from our life. Equally, we may be cold-hearted, cruel and mean and suffer from pain and illnesses  in the chest.

Stomach Chakra

The stomach chakra is located in the upper part of our abdomen just beneath the rib-cage. When this chakra is open we feel very peaceful, calm and free of worry. There is a sense of belonging and security that makes us feel safe and at peace.

When the stomach chakra is closed we worry excessively and we cannot ‘digest’ the sense stimuli that come our way. Everything upsets us. We may feel very uptight and suffer from pain and illnesses that are centred in the upper abdomen.

Navel Chakra

The navel chakra is located in our lower abdomen. When it is open it fills us with a sense of power and competence. People with an open navel chakra are successful and confident in everything they doing.  On a higher level an open navel chakra indicates supernatural abilities.

When the navel chakra is closed we feel weak, anxious, depressed and unable to make any progress in life. We may also suffer from sexual dysfunction and we are generally under-confident. Or we may be on an egotistical power trip and ruthlessly  trying to fulfil our own needs. We may also suffer from pain and illnesses that are centred in the lower abdomen.
Tara Springett holds an M.A. in Education and is a fully qualified and licensed psychotherapist and counselor. Tara has been a dedicated Buddhist practitioner since 1986. In 1997 she received encouragement from her Buddhist teachers to teach meditation. Tara is the author of several self-help books.In Tara’s book The Five-Minute Miracle you will find a detailed explanation about how to open your chakras through the healing power of love.If you would like to find a revolutionary chakra exercise that serves like a short-cut to manifesting your dreams, view Advanced Manifesting. Tara's website is www.taraspringett.com

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