Here's a fun idea...seek out a playground. If you're on a car trip, stop and take a play break. Swing on the swings. Climb the jungle gyms, run around the merry-go-round. Sit and read on a bench under a shady tree. Build castles in the sand box. Walk barefoot, and give your feet a natural massage! You don't necessarily need a kid with you to stop and play, but it's even better if you have a child to play with. Any kid will love playing with you. If you don't have a child along, go play anyway, no one will care! And it's FREE!!! Parks and playgrounds are there for people of every age. No one will throw you off a swing or make you leave. I go on the swings all the time, and nobody cares. I’ve done this for over 15 years, and not once have I been thrown out of a playground! It does help to bring kids along, of course, and you can get a lot of exercise pushing their merry-go-round and swings, or playing jump rope. There’s a reason it’s called recreation...think about it...RE-creation. We re-create ourselves every time we play.

- Norris Chumley

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