Call a friend; tell them something that’s bothering you today, or a secret you’ve been burdened with. Get it off your chest, and trust them to listen. When you love someone, you risk feeling and expressing some difficult feelings. This is because you love each other and care about each other and feel comfortable to tell them things you might not say to someone else. The trust you’ve developed is a real gift, but often it means getting deeper or emotionally raw – in a way you might not with most others. You might say what happened at work today that greatly upset you, which you really cannot say to anyone at work, for obvious political reasons. Instead of dousing the pain with a liter of soda, maybe you want to talk about feeling bad about not fitting into clothes that you’d like to wear. Perhaps just saying how your father screaming at you made you feel when you were ten – letting it out after holding it so long – might really be the best solution, instead of chocolate cake.

- Norris Chumley

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