

Violations of God’s moral code are committed openly and without shame. Lawmakers are being urged to enact laws legitimizing even further violations.

The consequences are impossible to imagine.

Do you worry that there's a disconnect between what is legal and what is moral? That America has lost its moral compass? Do you worry about what you know God expects and what it seems too many are willing to allow as acceptable behavior?

What can you do? Ah, yes, you know. You have a direct line to the Creator of the Universe.

Buddha takes Beliefnet’s Politic-O-Matic quiz …
OK, we admit, Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha did not actually log in and take Beliefnet’s fun self-diagnostic exam. But we were curious whether he was a Republican or a Democrat. So, we focused on a lotus blossom and with a small measure of enlightenment, attempted to take the test on behalf of the Sage of the Śākyas. Read next feature >
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